Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Small Miracles

Life!!! - soooo... we're getting back into the groove with school and schedules.

I miss the carefree days of summer when the kids slept in, played outside for half the day, we rarely had to be anywhere at a certain time, we did lots of family activities.

And now we have to meet the bus 3 times a day, have lots o' minutes to read for homework, lunches to pack, hair to comb, papers to sort, no time after school to just play, etc. It's all good I suppose ... just a change. We're just working on making it pleasant instead of rush-rush-rush-about.

I think Monday about did us all in.

Hannah had a lousy day at school. She lost her most special locket and cried about it for hours when she got home from school. She got hit in the stomach really hard with a ball on the playground and got whacked in the head by a jumprope. Then she got a papercut. And I was 5 minutes late to the bus stop after a doctor's appointment so my friend picked her up. That's a pretty intense day for a First Grader.

Well, when she started crying, I started crying. It's hard to know your kiddo is so sad and you weren't there with them to give them a love. I know they have to grow up and learn to deal with things on their own ... but it pulls my heart strings.

Then I kept crying on and off for the rest of the day. The kids got in a fight over something ridiculous and it made my heart sad. Max was a difficult toddler and I was sad. It was an emotional day. Transition takes some getting used to - for all of us!

Then I read this quote about SMALL MIRACLES:
"Many of us get so involved in our day-to-day tasks and worldly pursuits that we do not notice the many small miracles that constantly occur around us. This is one reason we may lose contact with the Holy Spirit and lose awareness of His promptings." Ronald T. Halverson, Ensign, Aug 2007, 56–58
For me it's so easy to get stuck in the grind of every day schedules, chores, messes, emotions that I forget to notice the GOOD SCHTUFF ... the small things that brighten a day. Having the Spirit with us really does make a difference in our home - so that is a good goal to notice the small miracles that help us recognize our blessings.

Soooo - I need to remember that:
“It’s not only what you see, but what you find that is important.” Emily Macleod

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