Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Just have to note my love of fresh peaches. We bought peaches from the farmer's market at Thanksgiving Point that are so delicious. I'm excited to get more on Friday for freezer jam and to slice and freeze for winter use. I would love to can fresh peaches but I really don't know how and I'm not certain that I have enough energy for that project.

Last year we froze sliced peaches which we used on dessert crepes with vanilla pudding and raspberries. It was so tasty. I'm so excited for fall produce like peaches and apples. And then I'll look forward to Clementines in December.

But for now, I will definitely enjoy fresh peaches!!! I love that they are so refreshing and sweet.

Last night I read a talk by Barbara Thompson from October 2008 Gen Conf. I loved this quote she shared by Eliza R. Snow about the Spirit refreshing our hearts. Isn't that just what I need about 90% of my day - to feel refreshed!

So - I'll take a peach for temporal tastebud refreshment ... and the Holy Ghost to uplift and refresh my heart and spirit.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I will have some extra peaches off my tree or my dad's if you want some. Just let me know. I love fresh peaches too. Good thought.