Sunday, August 16, 2009

The week was a blur

I've not been around much this week in the computer world. That's good I suppose.

I was thinking about my week and wondered what we even accomplished or did for fun. I read an idea in a talk once to write 5 accomplishments at the end of every day. I thought that would be a great way to see some of the good we are doing each day - even if just small simple things at home.

Anyhoo... here's the stuff we did this week (so that I will remember this week really happened!):

Monday: Drove to Orem University mall with 3 tots to buy Jeans on Sale. Not our most successful trip. This mother had to recuperate for the rest of that day.

Tuesday: Went back to the mall to retrieve the purchased jeans that were left in the bag on the store counter. Receipt - Check. 3 kids - Check. Purchased clothing - uhhhh - duh?!. I'm a pregnant space cadet. Also enjoyed an end-of-summer snowcone with the kids... Rootbeer for Hannah, Superman (red and blue) for Abe, Shrek (kiwi and coconut) for me and Max.

Wednesday: (#71) Celebrated Abe's Made-up holiday "Eat an Oreo Day" with neighbor Aynsli.
Thursday: Got to see my mom and dad for a wee bit. It was fun to spend some time with them. Then we headed to SLC to eat lunch with dad one last time before school starts. Recuperated for the rest of the day. I was so wiped out.
Friday: Hmmm, I can't remember anything from this day. My mind is one huge blur. Oh yeah - Hannah wasn't feeling well and spent the day on the couch feeling like barfing. She was totally posing for this picture. In the previous photo she was laughing. I'm glad she never got completely wiped out by this flu bug.Abe and I bought his school supplies and went to the farmer's market at Thanksgiving Point. We enjoyed a fresh dinner of BLT sandwiches (with tomatoes from our garden and cucumbers from our friend's garden) and corn-on-the-cob from the farmer's market.

There is always some sort of silliness going on with these boys.

Max waiting for his popcorn - a common scene.

Saturday: Looked for used or on-sale dressers. Recuperated from IKEA trip by taking an afternoon nap. All of my home-organization projects didn't quite take off like I'd hoped. Please mail me some energy!

While Jimmy mopped (thanks my love), the kids listened to fun music. Abe made up this instrument. The box is his Wall*e costume. He puts the ball in the place for the head and then drums on the ball with crayons.
End of Saturday: Enjoyed a nice date with Jimmy (dates are rare these days!) to a wedding reception at the Thanksgiving Point gardens. It was so fun to see our old friends from Florida whose son was married in the Salt Lake Temple. It's also fun on such occasions to think back to our wedding and our 'beginning' years.

Soooo overall - a fine week. Lots of joys and laughter. Lots of tired people. Lots of gearing up for school with workbooks and supplies. Sigh... 4 more days until my Hannah goes off to full-day 1st grade. Sigh...


Alison said...

What a fun busy week! I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I love Abe's glasses. You are such a wonderful mom. I just love you!

PS Thanks a million for your help on my header. I'll email you...

Jolene said...

I was just looking at going to the farmers market at Thanksgiving point. How is it? Is it worth going to?

Cheri said...

I think we'll join Abe in his celebration of Oreos. I like "Eat an Oreo Day!"