Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wild time at $2 Tuesday

Before school starts on Thursday, I thought we should participate in another Thanksgiving Point $2 Tuesday. We met my cousin Jolene and her kids there. We started out at the Children's Discovery Garden to do the spray Noah's Ark water park, but it was too cool outside and the water was so cold. The kids didn't last very long there. So we decided to explore the rest of the gardens.

It was a little wild (ok - a lot wild!!!) with skinny sidewalks and loads of moms, strollers, and tots. We made our way to the Waterfall Amphitheater so we could have some breathing room.

The kids had fun rolling down the huge hill. We also saw the carousel (which would be so cute when covered in flowers!), the Secret Garden (the kids enjoyed the fountain there), and a Bear's Cave.

After lots of walking, a few minor tumbles, and empty water bottles, we headed home for lunch and rest. And boy did this mama need a rest! I think I'm a huge wimp.

But it was a fun adventure for the kids and hopefully they enjoyed rolling down the hill and getting loads of grass in their hair. That's a fun part of being a kid, isn't it?!

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