Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Music Lady

My calling right now is the Ward Music Chairman. I also play the piano during Sacrament Meeting and for the choir. Some Sundays go smoothly... others - not so much.

We have the Sundays when Max is hollering 'Mama, Mama, Mama' all during the sacrament from our bench. I get lots of empathetic looks from older mothers in the congregation. Most of the younger moms actually think I have it pretty easy sitting behind the piano without kids for half of the meeting. But I would run down to my bench before the sacrament if there were any time.

I'm also a bit self-conscious about my ever-growing belly. I try to walk as gracefully as pregnant-lady possible to and from the piano to my bench. I try not to waddle too badly, but it is becoming increasingly harder. I'm sure my ward wonders if I might pop any day now.

Then I had a Sunday when I wondered if I had ever played one of the songs before. It seemed so familiar when I picked it, but I couldn't remember how it went for the life of me.

Today I accompanied a fellow who sang a solo. The song was 6 pages long, 4 of which were a repeat so I couldn't just shift pages easily without covering other essential ones. I taped pages and had it all planned out so no pages would fall. You see what's coming here - right? So, I was all set, supposedly. I was nervous enough playing the song because it had all sorts of tricky notes.

Well, the only thing I didn't anticipate was the air conditioning blowing full blast at my pages right when we were performing the song. And of course those last 2 pages wouldn't stay on that piano. Once they finally blew onto the floor, I whispered to the man giving the next talk to come and save my pages. Yay for Chris! Hopefully I didn't massacre the song too much playing it one handed. aaak! Not sure what I learned from that experience except to maybe have someone help turn pages next time. Sigh...

We have had some great experiences too with the music. One of my favorites was the all-comers choir... which basically is a special musical number where anyone can come up and sing in the choir. We sang Called to Serve and I loved that Jimmy brought the whole family up since the kids had been learning it in Primary. It was a jubilant song that brought tears to my eyes.

I love that the Spirit accompanies good music - sacred music. Even though I'm playing the piano, almost every week I am touched by the words of the hymns as the congregation sings them. I want to take note more often of inspiring thoughts that come when singing hymns. They certainly are an inspiration in my life.

"The Lord is my light; then why should I fear? ...
The Lord is my light; the Lord is my strength. ...
And, walking by faith, I am blest ev'ry hour. ...
The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night he leads, he leads me along."
Hymn 89

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