Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ups & Downs

Today was full of ups and downs. It's amazing how many 'melt-your-heart' moments and 'i might go absolutely bonkers' moments you can have in the same day.

I burst into tears a few handful of times over good things and hard things.

Abe came home from preschool with a pink flower planted in a decorated laundry detergent cup. He also made a flower necklace out of paper, yarn, and straws for me. His enthusiasm about his gift for my mother's day made me cry. I loved it! Amidst all his energy, he is a sweet-hearted boy. He also knew I needed lots of hugs today and gave me some good Abe bear hugs with pats on the back. I needed that.  Plus, he vacuumed the entire dining room (with a bazillion food bits) very cheerfully.

Hannah was a super helper all day. When we ran errands, she carried the bags/boxes so I could hold Max. I ran her legs off because we were in a hurry and she did great. Tonight at dinner, she helped pick up the pieces when I started to melt-down in tears over chicken noodle soup and she poured everyone lemonade. And ya know - she didn't have the best day ever either. A girl was teasing her on the bus and nobody would play with her at recess. She was a sport to keep being cheerful despite her disappointing day.

I even had a few soft-hearted moments with Max. He ate his banana popsicle sideways and thought it was about the best thing ever. He walked around the backyard, sitting on random steps, and eating pretzels. When I see him happy and enjoying the simple things, my heart is glad.

The past few days Max has made this face with his bottom lip poking out. He's not sad, I think he's just being funny or something. Hannah noticed it today too and thought it was funny.

So - a day! We had too many unnecessary spills and messes to clean, too many tears from mom and babe, too many impatient moments ... but we had lots of good things that happened too.

I just need to focus on the good and try to be more patient and loving, as I know my kids need that from mom. Kids need frequent lovies too, don't they!

And occasionally we need stuff like this:
I came up with this invention about 5 minutes after all the tots were finally in bed. I quite enjoyed it.

I will also delight tomorrow evening around 9:30 when Jimmy walks in the door. He's been gone since Monday and I realize how much I rely on him emotionally and for help with home and kids.

We all need each other, don't we! Love is a good, good thing!


Lexie said...

Oh Motherhood! The joy of it all! :)

abby's photo shoppe said...

If it makes you feel any better, my day was the same or worse. And I know how much a little hug from my kid can make be feel better. I will send the teeeeeeny tiny teeeeeny spec of patience I have today.... your way! Have a better day Heather.

angela said...

Look at all the good and sweet things you found. And you have great reasons to be emotional and silly. Out of wack hormones and no husband. I always say this but your kids are going to have such a gift of their childhood memories through you. You express everything inside of me that I never seem to be able to express or word right.

Amy D. said...

Oooh, I love your tasty treat equation. And life with kiddos is soo much happy mixed with hard. We do love it and them and life, eh? Love you!

Julie said...

I love how you are so able to document motherhood. You are wonderful. I'm glad to hear that Jimmy will be home soon.