Thursday, May 07, 2009

Max thinks he's 2

well... at least he's practicing for his "terrible two's". I love this babe like crazy and he melts my heart several times a day, but this week/month he's trying my patience more often than not.

Remember cute Mr. Squishy. The worst thing he ever did was spit up gallons all over me and wear high-rider pants.  He really was a pleasant newborn.

This would be Max today when I tried to hand him a peanut butter and honey sandwich for lunch. He really, really didn't want it, I guess. And so when your baby cries over nothing for a long, long time, there's really nothing left to do but take a quick photo so you that you can treasure that moment forever! Ummm yeah...  Please note there are no videos of crying today.  Phew!
Are those not the saddest hugest tears ever - all over a peanut butter sandwich ... well and a babe ready for naptime!

Not sure what happened in this babe, but he's decided he needs to throw tantrums lately. I put ice in his sippy cup of juice to keep it cold and he threw himself on the floor with huge tears and sobs. Alrighty then - I guess he doesn't like ice.

I'm really not into the 'throw yourself onto the floor and cry for a ridiculously long amount of time to get what you want' thing. So, we're heading into new territory with Max with discipline and teaching I suppose.

I suppose I ought to mention the things Max is doing that are good.

For example, he's getting better at cleaning up toys when we help him.

Last Friday he gave me a huge open-mouth kiss. This is a very, very, very rare occurrence so I treasured it.

Today he leaned his head on my shoulder when we were waiting in line at a store.

I had him ride on my shoulders at the mall and he laughed the entire time.

And yesterday he thoroughly enjoyed his popsicle and seemed to think it was the best thing ever.

So, we'll keep this cute babe, but I sure hope he'll mellow out with the tantrums thing.


Alisa said...

It sounds a lot like what I am going through right now. I don't know what throwing yourself on the floor accomplishes but she seems to enjoy it. And I have to BEG for kisses and hugs and once in a blue moon I get them. I think the terrible twos are the terrible 1-3. :) Good luck and way to keep your calm mom!

angela said...

So sad when they turn from "can do nothing wrong" and even the almost tantrums are not so cute anymore. Even Micah is already throwing himself on the floor in agony once in awhile, and he barely turned one. Hence it is still quite funny, but I foresee a day in the near future that I will have to grin and bear the next "stage" (EVERYTHINGs a stage, phew)and just snap pictures like you.

Amy D. said...

Love your photos, comments, colors and recording it all for your family! We had a similar incident once with a boy and a grilled cheese sandwich (I cut it the wrong way, and it was one of those days/years for that kid!)

Callie said...

I hear you 100%- my Ava is in the exact same spot and I love her to pieces- but sometimes I don't like her very much! She can be so sweet and just the perfect little angel and about 2 seconds later she can drive me to tears too. I've been putting myself into time out about 3 times a day lately so that I don't lose my mind!

Julie said...

Really am glad to hear I am not alone. Sometimes you just can't do anything right. I'm seeing it happen again with a certain teen in the family. hmmmm...