Friday, May 29, 2009

Summertime Plans

With Abe out of preschool and Hannah in her last week of school, I've been trying to gear up for summer. I'm so excited in many ways - no deadlines on homework, no rushing to school and packing backpacks, no more forgetting about early day Monday.

I'm hoping my excitement lasts longer than a few weeks with having 3 tots home all day long. But come August, Hannah heads to school full-day and Abe every day for half-day. I think I'll miss them! So I want to make the most of this summer and enjoy the kids.

I'm hoping for some down time and a bunch of this:

1. sprinkler kid, 2. Vintage Children's Books - Stack I, 3. i love jeff. and watermelon., 4. Splash Stone, 5. The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring., 6. Please. Do Not Sneeze., 7. Mmmmm, Corn, 8. row of capes, 9. fruity popsicles

I found a bunch of fun ideas for summertime on Jenifer Moss's blog. I'm afraid I don't have as much get-up-and-go as she does, so I'm just picking a few that will help frame our summer while leaving lots of playtime for tots (and maybe rest time for mom!).

My favorite idea was to pick a theme for the summer. I loved the 'Be a Hero' theme that Jenifer is doing. See post below for our theme and stuff to go along with it.

I also liked her idea to put baby down and read to the kids in the afternoon. I have a hard time getting around to reading to Hannah and Abe if Max is awake. And mostly I'm shoving everyone into their multiple-hour quiet time so I can recuperate from the morning, so it will take some effort on my part. But I'm excited to read the Little House books to the kids this summer. I hope the kids will like them too.

We're also going to do some workbooks to keep the kid's up-to-speed on school work. I'm going to try and put them all in page protectors so we can use them again for the other kids in years to come.

Soooooo... wish us luck as we head into this new adventure of summertime!


Angie said...

I love your header, Heather! It is so fresh and pretty. I always say after winter melts off that I am going to take advantage of the warmth, but it is easier said than done, I think. I am renewing my goal of enjoying summertime and I love the goal to read more in the afternoon to the kiddies. I could definitely do more of that!

angela said...

I went to her blog and was inpired also. Having an actual plan for the summer time has to be a lifesaver in so many ways to make it funner and not waste it away. Thanks!