Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Joys

This morning Jimmy and the kids brought me breakfast in bed: omelet, toast with jam, sliced bananas, and OJ.

Abe wanted to know if I liked everything and said, "Are you happy?"

Hannah said, "OF COURSE she is happy?" (like - how could she NOT be happy on Mother's Day??!!)...

and it made me glad that my kids were so excited about Mother's Day and doing nice things for me and sharing gifts.

Hannah gave me a yellow rose bush. Abe gave me a new pillow (greatly needed). Max gave me Strawberry whoppers (which he started opening at the store so Jimmy felt he should buy). With lots of cute homemade cards, smiles, and hugs, my morning started great.

I thought it would be memorable to take some Mother's Day photos. And it certainly was memorable. Jimmy kept snapping photos as we prepared for the glorious final photo ... which never came. So the candids ARE the photo...

Title of Photo Shoot:
This is my life and I like it

Max started out crying. He wanted to run around and I suppose I can't blame him. It was a lovely morning.

Hannah posed so sweetly but didn't realize that she was flashing panties.

And Abe - well, Abe thinks the sun is always too bright and has a hard time keeping his eyes open.

Pretty much my life as mother of tinies ... but luckily today I found humor in the silliness of it all. Having Jimmy home and doing all the tasks today certainly helped too. He's super!

I know I'm not the perfect madre, but I certainly am trying ... trying to improve, trying to be patient, trying to teach and love, trying to do my best. And I hope my kid's will forgive all my follies and mistakes. Hopefully they'll realize I'm doing my best and we'll move forward together and love each other in the process.

My day ended here enjoying my cute mother. We stopped for a moment to see the graves of her parents and brother. It was a lovely evening and neat to see the kids learning a little more about those relatives who came before.  Max just ran on all the headstones.  I'm hoping those sweet angels found joy in a tot celebrating life and energy.

Today Abe asked when Grandma and Grandpa Price were going to have kids. I told them they already have kids and I am one of those kids. He was amazed. He said, "WHAT? You are a mom and a kid?" He couldn't even believe it. I guess he never connected with all the times we talked about who Grandma and Grandpa are.  BUT I am what I am because of my good parents who filled our home with gospel light and love.

So - today I'm grateful for my sweet mom. I'm grateful to be a woman and a mom. I'm grateful the Lord strengthens me in my life. And I'm grateful for a family who loves me despite all my weaknesses.


Lexie said...

Love all the gardening and mothers day pics! I especially like "this is my life and I like it" that gave me food for thought and a motto for the day! :)

angela said...

Awesome mother's day pics! I love those...

Julie said...

I love your positive outlook! Thanks for the inspiration. I needed that. We are so blessed to have great mothers!

Steph and Eric said...

i love the true to life photos with your kids. classic.

sorry to hear about the zuchinni. i'm impressed that you gave it a shot. my attempt at gardening this year is staying on top of the dandelions. wish me luck.

love you friend!

Amy D. said...

Awesome all the way around. Especially Abe's realizations!

Kristi said...

I love all your pictures. They are great.