Monday, May 11, 2009

We killed the Zucchini!!!

It's not lookin' good people! After all we, the Smiths, have killed the Zucchini plants. Is that even possible to kill Zucchini? I thought not.

A few months ago we planted our seeds inside to get them growing strong before we transplanted them outside. We were amazed when they came up. Yay!
Once the weather warmed up a bit, we took them outside for an hour at a time to get them used to sun and wind... only one time we left them outside all night and all morning. The poor little plants were scorched. But the Zucchini survived. Yay!

On Saturday we planted our Zucchini plants - only to find them zorched (one step beyond scorched!) by Sunday.  I promise we watered. 

We also planted a few tomato and squash plants that our kind neighbor donated to our cause (that he grew inside). Then Jimmy and I planted the rest of the seeds with the kids. We'll just pray they survive the sun, the wind, and our black-thumbs.

The smartest thing we did was to plant a small garden for this - our first year. Maybe we'll find a green thumb somehow this summer.

I haven't given up yet on this year's garden ... for there is always hope!


Marne said...

Good job! Our first year gardening was rough...hopefully yours will go better. Looks good!

angela said...

It looks awesomely professional the way you are doing it--I am jealous! And i didn't think it was possible to kill zucchini, either, until I did it my first and only 2 tries. Yet here I am trying again! Anyway, I heard that it takes a few trial years to really get a garden growing. For me at least I hope that's true, because it's sad to watch dear little plants that you have nurtured and gotten excited about, suddenly wither into oblivian... Good luck!

Julie said...

Your garden is beautiful! I am trying sfg this year too. I think it is possible to kill anything. :) I am hoping this year gets better. Good luck!

Cheri said...

It all looks so impressive! I'd give you tips, but they would all be of what not to do! Just when my zucchini started growing, little bugs took over my garden. This year we're trying flowers from seed instead!

keller said...

I agree with all of the above. I thought gardening was suppose to be easy - you plant the little seeds and wa-la you have a beautiful garden and lots of yummy things. I tried planting everything in peat pots my first year and then planted them outside and they all died. I learned that it was just easier to plant them outside and found they did better that way too. Good luck!

Amy D. said...

However much food you grow, it looks like a lot of fun outside with the family :)