Monday, June 01, 2009

Golden Light of Summer

I know it's not officially summertime, but with school out, temperatures rising, snowshacks opening, I feel like summer is upon us.

And hence a new 'Priorities' goal for me to:
SEE the light and goodness in life ...
FOCUS not on my burdens but on the good things ...
BE lifted up in the light of Christ ...
NOTICE the light shine in my kid's eyes ...
APPRECIATE the warmth and outdoors for we don't have it all year long.

A poem for the occasion:
The Golden Light of Summer

The golden light of summer dawns
And rising takes me by surprise
By dancing lightly on the lawns
To lift my heavy winter eyes
Which barely looked up through the spring
Time turns as each year lives and dies
But summer conquers everything
Now as this golden light I see
Looks very much like hope to me

May golden light of summer bring
Us home to simpler kinder ways
And may we lose our suffering
Within those brighter better days
Which summer was and is always

Remember who you are and were
As you unfold as you will be
Remember him remember her
All of those friends and family
On whom this golden light now dawns
Shining within the memory
And dancing lightly on the lawns
Who rising take us by surprise
To lift our heavy winter eyes

~Steven Curtis Lance
And one of my favorite sunflower quotes by Patricia Pinegar:

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

pretty graphics for the sunflower quote--I love that one, too