Monday, June 01, 2009

Oh what do you do in the summertime? 100 fun random things, of course!

I loved this idea I saw on to create a list of 100 things you want to do this summer.

I'm sure I could come up with a list of goals for myself or projects I need to accomplish, but it's much funner to do a list for the kids of summertime things they want to do.

We came up with a list to post on the wall so we can mark it off each day. We have 60 weekdays of summer and 115 things to do, which is why many of them are normal every day activities like eating popsicles and blowing bubbles.  Just today we did 8 of them.  I imagine by the end of summer, all the easy ones will already be checked off.

Here's our list:
1. Breakfast Picnic
2. Lunch Picnic
3. Dinner Picnic
4. Picnic in the Mountains
5. Go to a lake
6. Go on a hike in the mountains
7. Blow bubbles
8. Eat ice cream cone
9. Eat popsicles
10. Make homemade ice cream
11. Ride a bike
12. Learn something new
13. Learn a new song
14. Do something nice for a sibling
15. Write and Mail a letter
16. Draw a picture of your family
17. Paint a picture
18. Trace your hands and feet
19. Make a life-size Drawing of you
20. Make cupcakes and decorate them
21. Eat Chocolate chip cookies
22. Try a new food
23. Take 20 photos
24. Make Frozen Hot chocolate
25. Make orange Julius
26. Eat Watermelon
27. Read ‘Little House on the Prairie’ book
28. Eat food from the garden
29. Look at the stars
30. Look for shapes in the clouds
31. Do Yoga
32. Visit Grandma and Grandpa
33. Make a scrapbook page
34. Write in your summer journal
35. Sidewalk Chalk
36. Do a puzzle
37. String some beads
38. Make Playdough
39. Learn the alphabet in Sign Language
40. Play a Card game
41. Build with Legos
42. Play on the swingset
43. Go Swimming
44. Run through the sprinklers
45. Play hopscotch
45. Jump Rope
46. Make Popcorn
47. Roast Marshmallows for s’mores
48. Have a Lemonade Stand
49. Go to the Library
50. Wash the car
51. Ride on a train
52. Have a marching Band
53. Make a macaroni necklace
54. Go On a walk
55. Play kickball
56. Throw a frisby
57. Write a Poem or song
58. Talk a walk and listen to the sounds
59. Play with Balloons
60. Invent a new Dance
61. Learn 5 new words in Spanish
62. Learn 5 Sign Language Words
63. Have a family game night
64. Make a collage of words & pictures
65. Go to a Museum
66. Fly a Kite
67. Perform a puppet show
68. Build a fort
69. Make paper airplanes
70. Jump on a Trampoline
71. Create your own holiday
72. Play on a New playground
73. Play hide-n-seek
74. Tell a Story
75. Finger paint with pudding
76. Make a book
77. Make popsicles
78. Read a new book
79. Make a homemade paper plate kite
80. Do a craft
81. Play in the Rain
82. Do service for someone in the family
83. Do a service for a neighbor or friend
84. Make shadow shapes with a flashlight
85. Go to a Dollar Movie
86. Trip to Idaho
87. Watch a sunset
88. Go on an outing with mom/dad
89. Make up a new word
90. Muffin Tin lunch
91. Write the Alphabet
92. Count or Write numbers to 100
93. Do something to be a Hero
94. Learn something new about a planet
95. Play Dress-up
96. Make a scripture-story movie
97. Go see a temple
98. Play on the Computer
99. Go See fireworks
100. Eat Bananas
101. Memorize a scripture
102. Drink out of your water bottle
103. Play inside
104. See a waterfall
105. Help work in the yard
106. Learn about an animal
107. Make something with popsicle sticks
108. Walk in Rock Canyon
109. Memorize the Scripture Hero Song
110. Chew Gum
111. Read the Friend
112. Play with blocks
113. Enjoy chocolate
114. Color a picture
115. Play with a friend

The kids definitely can't say they didn't do anything this summer if we get most of these crossed off.  We don't have gynormous trips or vacations or reunions planned, but I want to accomplish a few things so the summer doesn't fly by too quickly.

I loved some of the ones the kids came up with like 'chew gum' (a treat at our house), 'drink lots of water', 'eat bananas', 'play inside', 'watch tv', 'enjoy chocolate' ... it was pretty funny to hear their ideas.

Here are some of the resources I found to give me ideas for my list:
101 Things To Do This Summer

100 Ways to have fun with your kids for free or cheap


Amy D. said...

Pretty much make a macaroni necklace is my favorite, but drink lots of water is a close second! I wonder if we could think of 100 things?

Alison said...

Love all these ideas Heather! Thanks so much for sharing. I think we might just have to copy your list. I never thought of washing the car with my kids but how much fun would that be! They would have a blast. Inventing a new dance would be hilarious, and I'm with you on the enjoying chocolate. I would love to hear what my kids have in mind.

I also love your Super Hero Playhouse sign! There is seriously nothing you can't do! You're continuously amazing me with all the fun things you do.

And love Max in the sprinklers and how he gasps and runs to you, then runs back out. Cute boy! My kids love the sprinklers too, even when it is freezing cold!

Are you going to find out what you are having? How many weeks are you now? It's been too long since we've chatted... Loves to you!

Shauna said...

Great list! I am totally copying it and posting on the fridge.

Laura said...

I know this was last year, but I always remembered it and decided to do it this summer. I hope you don't mind me copying you. You have some great ideas.