Thursday, May 28, 2009

Farewell to Kindergarten

Today we attended Hannah's Hawaiian-Style Kindergarten Program. They sang songs that they learned throughout the year. It was fun to see the kids feeling comfortable in their school environment with their friends/classmates and teacher. They sure get excited for mom and dad to watch them perform.

Tomorrow is Hannah's last day of school. She is a bit sad about it. But in Hannah's optimistic style, she's excited about the fun things this summer.

I love seeing how the kids have grown during the school year so I pulled photos from the beginning of the school year.

Here's Hannah with Mrs. Wright. She really is a loving and fun teacher who seems perfectly suited for Hannah's style.
Kindergarten seems like one of the funnest grades... probably because the kids still think everything is so cool and fun. Hannah loved field trips because she got to ride the bus with her classmates and friends.

Hannah has changed in great ways during this year of school - one being the confidence that comes from gaining experience. She's had ups and downs with friends at school. She went from being so nervous to meeting people to feeling really comfortable with teacher and classmates (though she's quiet and shy sometimes with strangers)... but she's come a long way. She seems to have some pizzazz in her personality and a different side of silliness and humor which I'm sure she learned from kids at school. It's fun to see the good changes in her and how she's grown.

Here are the first-day-of-school and second-to-last-day-of-school photos.  It's hard to see how long her hair is because it is in piggy-tails, but it has really grown too.  She wants to grow it really long for 1st grade.

I'm not sure I'm ready to send Hannah to 1st grade in August to full-day school. I'll really miss her cheerful attitude and her help.

I want to make the most of summertime and spend time with each of the kids. I fear we'll spend each day rushing through our activities and just trying to survive. Hopefully we can slow things down and enjoy each other with some one-on-one time.


Janey said...

oh cute little hannah!!! So fun to have hawaiian day!!

Amy D. said...

Hawaiian style is so fun for that celebration! Cool. And those are darling sandals, Hannah dear :)