Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Celebrating 5 Years of Abraham

Today we celebrate the 5 years Abe has been alive and with our family. He was born in Arizona and 2 weeks later flew with all of us to Florida to spend the summer. When he was almost 2, we moved to Tennessee. Last year we celebrated his 4th birthday in our new house here in Utah, but we had not yet moved in.

He's has had all sorts of moving adventures in his young life.  We sure love the energy he brings to our family, keeping us all on our toes. (if only he'd share some of that energy with his mother occasionally!)

Abe has a tender heart and fun personality. We love his squishy hugs and fun facial expressions. Here's his life in photo-review:
Abe has been counting down to his birthday for about 6 months. And finally it arrived. Phew!

We ate pancakes for breakfast and then went on a long walk/bike ride on the trail to a park with some friends. It was a long excursion. Then for lunch he cashed in on his free Sonic Wacky Pak Kids Meal. During quiet time, I opted to take Abe over to see Hannah's field day. He really enjoyed seeing Hannah.

Finally - after hours and hours and hours of waiting we ate dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers and his party began. He snarfed down dinner in hopes that he could quickly open all his presents.

I think by this time of day he was so zoned out with tiredness from our busy day. He mostly loved Star Shooter, a planet hero.

We don't have a picture of him on his main present - a new bike (for him and Hannah to share), because he stayed on it for about 2 seconds and wanted off. Hopefully he'll enjoy it soon.

We ended with vanilla cake with vanilla icing and a big blue 5.

When I tucked Abe in for bed, he said he had such a good day. That's a good way to feel on your birthday. Yay!

We sure love Abe and all of the fun he adds to our family.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Happy Birthday ABE!!! What a fun day. And what an awesome cake! Way to go Heath!