Thursday, April 02, 2009

Priorities - April

Review & Summary - March: I was sticking to the basics dealing with meal plans, chore charts, basic survival at home.

Meal plan is going well. I'm on week 5 and I'm actually amazed how well it's going - for me the lady who despises a schedule.

Chore Chart - eh, well... Abe does really well with it, Hannah is old enough to work the system a little. I'm not as big a stickler as I ought to be. I'm gearing up the energy for that. But we'll keep forging ahead on the basics.

April's Priority - ENJOY...
enjoy my family,
enjoy the simple things,
enjoy the good things that surround me,
enjoy General Conference,
enjoy the gospel and scriptures,
enjoy some good books,
enjoy some uplifting tunes,
enjoy this stage of life.

You'd think it'd be easy to do all that - for we all want to ENJOY don't we. But sometimes I forget...

Like the other night I looked in the mirror and I not only had a crease in between my eyes - I had a deep RED intense crease!

Time to raise those eyebrows in delight.
Time to smile.
Time to laugh more.
Time to destress.
Time to relax (if that's possible as a mum).
Time to enjoy those who surround me.
Time to Enjoy life.

One book I'm going to read this month is Celebration: Ten Principles of more Joyous Living by Jaroldeen Edwards. Her theme for the book is this:

"Celebration is the conscious decision to live our lives with joy. In the midst of turmoil, pain, and adversity, in bad times and good, joy is the great companion our Heavenly Father intended us to have. To feel joy requires a decision on our part - it is a chosen approach to life, a chosen attitude, a chosen awareness."

So here's to my goal to Enjoy life more!!

p.s.  I wrote this post last night after the kids went to bed.  And our night's sleep wasn't extremely successful.  I was feeling lousy.  Max woke up once.  Hannah had a fever and threw up and was crying for half the night.  And I thought about my goal to ENJOY.  Life wasn't meant to be completely pleasant so I'll try to ENJOY what I can along the way.  Perhaps tonight I'll enjoy a good night's sleep.

As I was writing this p.s., the construction guys cut the live power line to our house.  Luckily they were not shocked, but it left us without power.  I realized my life revolves around electricity... laundry, making jello for sickie hannah, warming soup for lunch, making phone calls, etc.  Wow - I'm starting out my ENJOY goal with an odd and crazy day.


Jenni Taysom said...

I love your new blog header - it is so fresh and inspiring.
Our chore chart isn't going as good as I thought but is working better than previous chore charts. Instead of reminding them to do things I just say, "check your chore chart, is it all done". I tell them they can have breakfast when they have checked off the first three things (dressed, bed made and prayer). It is so cute because sometimes they will stop right then, fold their arms and bow their heads and pray because they remembered that they hadn't prayed yet.

Jolene said...

Sounds like Hannah's type of sickie is going around. My kids had that last weekend. It was no fun. Thanks for the reminder to ENJOY life.

Amy D. said...

Enjoy, live in the moment, slow down...these are the messages for me this month, too. EnJOY the joy :)

Julie said...

Thanks for the reminder! Learning to enjoy is a lesson that is continual, I think. I am so excited for your little family.