Thursday, April 02, 2009

Goggle Up Mate

Well now... don't judge me ... but this is how I get dinner made or the dishes done.

Pixar shorts via Itunes for Max.

It's a part of our life a few times a week. The kid loves them (well, not all... only the ones with music the entire way). During the day he whines at the computer when I'm on it because he wants a movie. So finally about 20 minutes before Jimmy is to arrive home, I set him up on his cushion so I can get something done. You all know how that 4 o'clock hour is!!!

But look what it's done to him:
Max found these goggles in Hannah's room and wanted to wear them. He thought he was pretty funny.
Hopefully we're doing good enough activities for the rest of the day to make up for his 20 minutes of movie time. Good grief - what is a mother to do with a busy, mischievous, whiney toddler? ... period.


Angela said...

We leave home and go to the gym!!!
Jasper LOVES to watch videos of other kids that are posted on the blogs of my friends.

Jolene said...

Love the goggles, picture. That is so funny that he kept them on. That is funny that he will sit and watch a movie. I have to strap Beckham in his high chair to watch something. He doens't really like it though. So he doesn't watch very often.

Ryan and Angela said...

I love the goggles picture too! Hey, a mom has to do what a mom has to do to get dinner going!

Amy D. said...

Ha! Max should have been an old fashioned pilot! That's what he looks like in the goggles. How funny! Oh, the Pixar shorts are so cool, no wonder he likes 'em. That seems a perfectly acceptable diversion so you can make dinner, Mom!

abby's photo shoppe said...

If that's the only time you let the computer/tv babysit him then you ARE AN ANGEL!!

Julie said...

Great pictures! What a darling little boy.