Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Sorry to be tricky with my last post. I didn't think anyone would believe the April Fools part because I'm soooo not a jokester. I really can't lie or tell a joke to save my life. It's just so awkward announcing these things sometimes. So I thought I'd have fun with it.

p.s.  I'm so super gullible especially on April Fool's Day.  I believed everyone's facebook status remarks at first.  Then I realized.  Plus, I totally fell for Shannon Hale's announcement that Goose Girl was going to be made into a movie.  I was delighted.  Then I looked into the actors and realized it sooo wasn't happenin'.  Anyhoo... a sidenote.

But our news is TRUE - AFFIRMATIVE - POSITIVE - We will have a wee little babe join us on October 17 (well - probably a week earlier with the c-section). We knew that Maxwell needed a little mate and so this will be a fun adventure for our fam (I keep hoping at least!).

I have been a bit overwhelmed, wondering how I'll handle 4 tots when I'm still figuring out mothering 3 tots and home stuff (which is why I've tried to buckle down on meals and cleaning - for basic survival now and when the babe comes!).

Just when you think your life will settle into a nice routine, things CHANGE. I know life wasn't meant to be settled and comfortable or we wouldn't stretch and grow as the Lord wants us to. And I know, especially with this babe, Heavenly Father understands the best timing of everything better than we do.

A scripture keeps coming to mind:

I really am excited about having a new babe - it's just harder to be giddy when I've felt so crummy for a few months. I'm almost 12 weeks so hopefully that will only last 2 more weeks and I'll be in the clear.  Yay!

So, yep, there's the scoop. The doc did an ultrasound on my first appointment to verify the due date and it was fun to see the heartbeat.

Onward and upward we'll move in this ADVENTURE called LIFE - now we'll just be adding to the joy with 4 instead of 3.


Alison said...

Oh Heather! That is so exciting! Congratulations! My heart is bursting for you! I always love it when sweet new babies are coming. I can't wait for you to have 4! So was it a surprise? You are so cute to do it as an April Fool's joke. You are just so cute! I hope you get to feeling better so you can enjoy the pregnancy a little more. Oh happiness! Congrats again and again! :)

Angela said...

I am so excited for you! And how fun is is that you and Janey will be having babies close to the same time! Hooray!

Lexie said...

Congratulation Heather and family! You will be glad that Maxwell has a little buddy. All of my last 4 are 4 years apart and it was more fun for my 1st 2 that are 2 years apart. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. I am so happy for you. I hope you get over the sick part soon. :)

Heather said...

I am so happy for you! I too fell for a few joke prego announcements!

Callie said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you- there is nothing better than a sweet new baby! (It's when they turn into a screaming, crazy 18 month old that I question it?!)

Jan said...

Congrats Heather! Wow 4, I can't even imagine having that many. Good luck with everything.

Jenni Taysom said...

Congratulations, how fun. I really think that 4 isn't as hard as three was. My parenting skills have really been improving, mostly for survival reasons. With my husband in school and working full time he isn't around much so I have to rely on my own skills as a parent and not wait "until dad gets home". Anyway, just the long way of saying you are in for some good times.
I hope it's a girl - I have 2 and 2, plus I would have to think that Hannah is wanting a sister.

shauna said...

Congratulations! I should have known, what with all the food dreaming and smell sensitivity! That is very exciting.

Jolene said...

Philippians 4 :13 is one of my favorites.

Ryan and Angela said...

Congratulations on baby #4! That is so exciting!

elizabeth said...

I'm excited for you guys. Like your sister says," just keep on keepin on" and you will do great.

Lawrence Clan said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. I am a little nervous about #4 also but excited too. Hope you are feeling better soon :)

Life, Love and a Lil Sauce said...

Congratulations! So Fun!

Amy D. said...

Your comments on change are certainly true, st least that's how life has gone for us! You will do great as you always do. We love you and Jimmy and all your kids!

Angie said...

I love your little prank, Heather! and Congrats!!

Amanda said...

Congratulations Heather! Welcome to the 4 kids club. I had a girl, 2 boys, and then another girl. Maybe we'll have twinner families! Good luck with everything!

Jess said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your cute family. I hope you start feeling better soon. I am amazed you have been able to keep up with a meal schedule while being sick.

katie and co. said...

YAHOO! Congratulations, Heather! I am excited for you! You are an amazing Mama and this lucky one is going to have the time of his/her life in your familia. HAPPINESS!

Charity said...

Congrats! that is so exciting. You have such cute kids and are such a good mommy-I love it when good families want to and can have more babies :)

Christine said...

Congtrats! Good luck with having 4 i'm Hannah will be a great help!

Julie said...

I loved your post before. You are so creative. Congratulations! You are the best mom ever!

erin said...

Yeah, congrats!!! We're so excited for you!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

keller said...

Hey, I know that I am way behind in all of this, but congrats and good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Heather - congratulations! You are an amazing woman and mother. So, although it seems overwhelming you will adjust well to 4. Isn't it nice you have several months to get used to the idea before it actually happens. I hope you start feeling better soon.