Wednesday, April 01, 2009

3 + 1 = 4

That's right folks! There's another tator tot comin' our way just about harvest time.

There just weren't enough family birthdays in October (12 to be exact!) so we're adding one more. You can't have too much celebrating in one month I guess!!

Hannah wants to name her Bella. Abe wants to know if they are going to cut me open again. Max is just plain grouchy about it (oh - wait, that's from his molars breaking through). Jimmy has been a trooper & an immense help during my all-day bleh-blah-blek ickiness.

or not?
you decide!


Janey said...

I believe!!!

Lexie said...

Can't wait to find out! :)

angela said...

That's kind of mean...How excited I would be for you!

Shauna said...

I think you are joking. Now tell the truth!

Amy D. said...

I think it's for reals!

Alisa said...

So...what's the verdict? Prego or no? :)

Angela said...

I know you are serious! Love the new blog style. Very pretty!

Marne said...

Real or not...hmmmmm I think it is!