Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh my heart!

I had some cute friends at BYU who always said, "Oh my heart!" when things were tender or funny or cute or inspirational. I always loved how they said it ... like something tender or sweet touching their heart.  That that is exactly how I feel tonight after reading about this sweet {Gracie} who is getting a new heart tonight. Oh my heart!

The crazy thing is that I don't even know her family. I came across their blog and have been so interested in their story, their strength, their faith.

I think Gracie at 11 months old has been through more than I have. What a good little gal. What a bitter-sweet experience a heart transplant would be... for one sweet babe to lose life, but have that heart keep living in another special babe. It just plain makes me cry.

I love being inspired and strengthened by other's strength and courage! You go Gracie!


Reeses Pieces said...

Wow she's beautiful. What a strength it is to read stories of others suffering in different ways. Thanks for sharing.

Jess said...

I have been following her blog too and I am so amazed at this little baby girl's strength and courage. She is a fighter! I have been brought to tears many times while reading her story.