Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Care, Prayer, Faith

Not much blogging goin' on 'round here this week.

I could talk about my goofy day yesterday with all sorts of mishaps with the kids with toilets, grapefruit, bloody noses, ripped jeans, but it all seems inconsequential compared to the intense things others are going through.

My sister Amy is in the hospital for the 2nd time this week.  The doctors are working on a diagnosis for the viral neurological problem. She got a cold which then went to her joints and then her nervous system. It has been a really weird virus that has me worried - very worried!  Pray for her please!

I guess it's another reminder that we all need each other in good times and hard times. We need each other's care, prayers, and faith.
"We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other." Marjorie Pay Hinckley

"That I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me." Romans 1:12


Steph and Eric said...

heath, so sorry to hear about Amy. that sounds scary! we'll be sure to pray for her.

Shelley Gee said...

Oh, health scares are the worst!!! Your entire family has my prayers...especially Amy and her family! Keep the faith, it all works out the way it's supposed to be.

Alison said...

Oh poor Amy! She will definitely be in our prayers. Hope all turns out well. Keep us posted!

Alisa said...

I am sorry about your sister. I hope she gets better soon. As for our friends the Prices, he is from Shelley ID. He is a Dr. in the Navy so they live here now but do you have any relatives in Shelley?

Lexie said...

I hope your sis is on the mend soon!

Anonymous said...

Amy needs Dr. House! JK, but I do hope they can find out what to do to help her! Good luck.

Diana said...

My prayers are with your sweet sister & her family!

Andrea said...

We'll keep Amy in our prayers...