Friday, February 20, 2009

CREATE the life you want to have

I loved this message when I first heard it, and I love this INSPIRING video message about CREATING by President Uchtdorf.

The past few weeks I've thought a lot about CREATE-ing the kind of life I want to have ... to LEARN, DO, BE what I desire as a person, and what the Lord knows is possible for me. This message inspires me to keep trying.


Sally said...

You find and create the BEST stuff and you motivate me everytime I visit your blog. Thanks so much for sharing this...I need to watch it once a day!

Shelley Gee said...

Wow, that was one of my favorite talks from conference!! What a perfect thing for me to see today since I spent the morning creating. Can we still be friends if I steal this and put it on my blog...I'll give you all the credit! :D

Jan said...

Good for you Heather. I really loved this talk too. It is true that we create our own reality. I am working to create something much better than I have in the past. Good luck. I know you will be success at creating what you want.

angela said...

I do wonder how you find and do all the things you do. I am so glad to be blessed by the things to do each day. You are just cool...I loved that.