Sunday, February 15, 2009

new Adventures for the wee babe

This is Maxwell.He thinks it's funny to put food in his hair. This day it happened to be olives. But he also tries to keep cheerios and cheese up there. With his thick hair, the treats might just get lost. Yum - snacky-snacky!

This is Maxwell who decided he wanted to learn to climb ... into the dishwasher.
He hasn't cared much about climbing until this past week. He tries to climb onto our mini slide, our ottoman, and other such low items. He will climb up the stairs, but he's too scared to crawl down these days.  I think he took one too many tumbles.  I'm not looking forward to the day when he tries to climb higher objects such as the table.

At 14 months, Max is our skinniest baby thus far and he just makes us laugh how he toddles/wanders around for most of the day. He does sign language for 'more' and 'eat'. If he starts pounding your lips, you can figure that he's hungry.

He can say, 'go', 'da-da', 'mo-mo', 'chee', 'qua', 'crack', and 'ghi'. The babe won't say 'mama' for anything. I've decided mom is just like a part of him so he doesn't bother calling for her. sigh...


Lexie said...

He is so cute! I love his pajamas......they make me want to give him a snuggle! :)

Stacey said...

I love the shot of the food in the hair. Kids at that age are just so fun. I love to watch them learn new thing. I love the homemade Valentines as well. I am so impressed by you.

Callie said...

Maxwell reminds me so much of what my Ava is doing all day everyday. Climbing, wreaking havoc, making messes and generally making me crazy! However, she does smile the pants right off of me and it makes it all worth it (most of the time!)