Friday, February 13, 2009

Charity, love, the warm-fuzzy kinda stuff

I LIVE! yay!... the cold,cough/sore throat has not got the better of me ... yet. This is a totally random post written with a fuzzy brain over several days so who knows if it will make sense at all.

I know I post this quote every year, but it's my favorite thought on love/charity.

Because I haven't been to Walmart or Target in weeks and it's not happenin' soon, Wednesday we made some homemade (digital really.  does that count as homemade?) valentine's for the kids to give at their school parties. Jimmy picked them up from Costco so I didn't even have to go out. Yay!  These are 3x4 size. Hopefully the kids won't be too embarrassed not to have Princess or Spiderman like the rest of the kids. I kindof think it's fun to have different ones though.

The kids are giving the photo-less cards to friends. Some of these were going to make it on Simply Fresh Designs. I didn't exactly get all that done so perhaps next year we'll have the Valentine's gallery up and running smoothly.

I realized I didn't have any envelopes that fit (ummm yeah - should have ordered those weeks ago for my business). So I decided to make some envelopes. I had a bunch of leftover 8x8 paper so I found a template online and made it the right size and just printed it on the back of the papers. They were so fun to put together.
It may seem overboard to make your own envelopes but in this case it worked for me because I couldn't really leave the house, I had down time from coughing my lungs out, and it was more of the use it up/make do philosophy. Somehow I remember all valentine's had envelopes when I was a kid, and after Hannah's party today I'm realizing that nobody has envelopes anymore. Oh well. 

Anyhoo... it was fun putting the valentine's together with the kids. Abe insisted on writing each person's name in his class. He did amazingly well for hardly knowing how to write words. Good work buddy! And Hannah had fun organizing all her girl/boy cards and writing all the names. Fun times watching a movie on mom's bed doing it all together!

I also really loved this video by Elder Holland about Love. I needed the reminder to make efforts to show my love to others and not just expect love and service from them.

Happy LOVE day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

that charity quote is my favorite!!

Heather H said...

Those are way cuter valentines then the store bought kind!

Amy D. said...

The Valentines are the cutest! Happy day of love to you. That's a nice video message from Elder Holland.

Amanda said...

You are the best mom ever! Those valentines are way better than anything you can get in the store. You rock! As I was helping my son put together his valentines, I was remembering about all the little envelopes that they used to come with. Now, you just fold them in half - I miss the envelopes!

Andrea said...

Love your valentines! So creative! I would think your kids would be proud to have such carefully crafted valentines to take and share. :) I love the quote too. Thanks for sharing!

Sally said...

Your Valentines are adorable! Have you ever thought about setting up an etsy shop? You have so many great ideas that people would LOVE. Not that you have oodles of extra time...just thinking.
Hope you are feeling better Heather!

katie and co. said...

These are so cute, Heather! I love those little Valentines and the envelopes are way fun. Great ideas.