Sunday, February 15, 2009

heritage - a Joy

I've been getting a bunch of wonderful heritage photos from family. Ask and ye shall receive! I love it! It really brings me joy to connect with photos/stories of my heritage.

I adore this photo of my Great-Grandmother Fannie May Longmore.

This photo is of my Grandpa Price's family when he was a little boy. His mother, Ruby, had 3 children under 30 months old. A man once said to her, "My, is this all one family or is it a picnic?" Ruby replied, "It's all one family and it's no picnic!" Sounds like she had a sense of humor!

The youngest child's name was Erma. She died at age 4 of diphtheria. (I actually thought the name Erma was a Hawaiian Island when I was in the 4th grade so that ended up being a silly nickname for me)

This is cute Ruby (mother in the photo above) when she was 3 living in Nephi, Utah. Could she be any sweeter? She had 14 kids in her family. Her father died when she was 15 and so she needed to be a big help to her mother.

This photo reminds me of the previous family photo, only my Grandpa Price is now the dad. My father is the cute blondie.

"The name we have been given is special because it blesses us with a heritage by which we can receive the great promise of the Lord to his children, even the gift of life eternal." L. Tom Perry


Karri said...

that is awesome! I love your determination.

Alison said...

All these pictures are amazing. It makes me want to find out about my anscestors too. And Max putting food in his hair is so funny! He really is such a cute little boy. And I loved the Elder Holland video so I stole it to put on my blog! Thanks for always having such fun and uplifting things to read on your blog. Loves!