Thursday, February 19, 2009

Brilliant Clouds & Marvelous Treasures

I keep thinking about this photo lately so I decided to find it and scan it in on this chilly yet sunny winter day. A scan doesn't quite do it justice... perhaps a picture doesn't even do the real scene justice. The clouds, sky, beach, ocean were amazingly vast, open, and brilliant.

This was taken in 2001 on TigerTail beach in Naples, Florida (off the Gulf Coast). Those were the days before the tots arrived. Those were the days right after we got married when we decided spur of the moment to go do a fun adventure and we'd take off across Alligator Alley to the Gulf of Mexico for the day.

Things are different now. It takes longer to pack up for a family adventure with 3 tots and gear in tow. And there are things to consider like naps and potty breaks and wiggly toddlers in carseats and such.  It's all good - just different.

Speaking of tots, Max is helping me blog today. He decided he would rather spend the afternoon with mama than taking his nap. I'm not exactly agreeing with him about this, but considering he took a 4-hour nap yesterday, I guess I'll keep him. Plus the poor babe has a sore throat and a fever so I'll snuggle him in my lap a little longer.

So, my life isn't the same as the sunny Florida carefree days.  It's fun to look back, but it's also exciting to look forward.  I'd say my life now is full of good things, good people, and good blessings - marvelous moments and treasures.


Lexie said...

Heather, Naples is where my brother moved to......looking at that picture I don't think he will ever come back! :(

Amy D. said...

brilliant beach photo! Love the change that family brings :) We love you and your little fam so much!

angela said...

Sometimes I think about how much different our lives would be if it was just the two of us. Trav and I have talked about it, at first in a dreamy manner, but then the thought of what we would be missing feels so devastating. It really is amazing all of the blessings and fulfillment and growing that comes from having your own little family =) So fun. So fun to think back and ponder the past the events that led up to where we are today.