Saturday, February 28, 2009

The end of my Heritage Month

With today being the last day of February and the focus of my Heritage Month, I thought I'd share a few more heritage photos. I didn't do all the research of stories as I wanted, but it was fun and inspiring what I did end up doing.

Here we have my Grandma Ruth on her mission. She is the one standing. She looks about as thrilled as I will look when I wash my windows this spring. I'm glad to know she was normal. Though I will not be wearing high heels like her companion.

Here's my Grandpa Larry who was in the Navy for nearly 20 years. He's a good valiant American!

And here the 2 are together in their wedding photo. They knew each other for a long time but he proposed on January 25, 1945, and they were married on the 26th - the next day in the Salt Lake Temple. It was a "now or never" thing since he was in the Navy and was on 3 day leave. What cute kids!

These last 2 are memories from these photos hanging in my Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's house.

This first one is Grandpa Hatch going duck hunting.

This photo of Jens and Eliza Nelson family was always a curious one to me. I always wondered about the only little girl in white. I think she is the same little girl who had the huge hat in the photo I previously posted in the Sunday School Picnic. My cousin Tricia mentioned that she is Mary Bryson - a cousin of Great-Grandpa Lawrence Nels Nelson. She lived with Jens & Eliza Nelson for some time.

So here we are at the end of a month and heading into a new month. I enjoyed focusing on the simple things and my heritage this month. I made efforts to spend ALOT less and just buy the necessary things.  It felt good.

With being sick and having sick kids this month, I thought a lot about those who came before and how they dealt with sickness... so different than us with many doctors and resources and medications. I'm grateful I live now with modern conveniences.

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