Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today is a hard day - plain and simple truth. It is. Maybe I'm just a spoiled whiner and am used to a life of ease. Perhaps I don't handle 2 sick kids as a sick mom very well. My voice is almost gone so my kids can't even hear my requests. "Bark-bark-bark" said I.

In my temporary misery, I think of all the women who understand what I feel like today... especially those who came long before who didn't have excellent doctors, modern medicine, conveniences, and living conditions. I know my trials are like a drop in the bucket to what many have experienced, but I think the lessons they learned and their strength and testimony can help strengthen me in mine.

In December, Jimmy and I watched "Emma Smith - My Story".  This isn't a review of the movie, but I did like this one quote.  I doubt Emma said it in real life but the message is a good one.

"Strength isn't something you have. It's something God helps you find. And usually we have to find it one day at a time." Emma Smith - My Story

After thinking about what Emma's life was like and what other women have had to endure throughout history, I wonder how strong physically and emotionally and spiritually I would be in those circumstances.

I can't believe how tiring just normal day-to-day life can be picking up after the tornado baby, dishes, laundry, cooking food, etc.  I can't imagine doing it without a spouse there to help every day let alone dealing with so much grief from children dieing and persecution and such . . . especially without the technology and conveniences we have today.

I admire Emma and all the women throughout time who have relied on the Lord to carry them through their adversities.

Lucy Mack Smith’s tribute to Emma: “I have never seen a woman in my life, who would endure every species of fatigue and hardship, from month to month, and from year to year, with that unflinching courage, zeal, and patience, which she has ever done; for I know that which she has had to endure—she has been tossed upon the ocean of uncertainty—she has breasted the storms of persecution, and buffeted the rage of men and devils, which would have borne down almost any other woman.”
(Lucy Mack Smith, The Revised and Enhanced History of Joseph Smith by His Mother. ed. Scot Facer Proctor and Maurine Jensen Proctor, pp 165-66.)

Emma's Blessing: an interesting document to read. What would you write if a prophet told you to write the blessings you desire?

Article from the Ensign {My Great-Great-Grandmother} is a good one as well.

I am grateful for inspiring women who have gone before who by their example have shown that we can endure by finding strength in the Lord - even if it's just one day (or minute or hour) at a time.


Amanda said...

Thanks for posting that! I love Emma Smith and especially the article you mentioned in the Ensign. My youngest daughter is named Emma - and Emma Smith is very near and dear to my heart. The other day in Church an older man said in his talk that Emma Smith was an example of someone that had lost her testimony. It made me pretty mad! I think she is a wonderful example of courage, strength, and faith.

Marne said...

It has been said Emma is the most misunderstood person in the church. We can't judge her...thanks for posting those quotes Heather. They are great. Oh, and I hope you feel better soon. It's not fun being sick as the mom and still having to care for everyone.

Shelley Gee said...

Heather I have to tell you that I think you are one of my all time favorite people!! I check your blog almost everyday because you truly are inspiring in what you write!!! You and I are so similar in our feelings about Emma and what the pioneers before us had to go through. Heather, you are a woman of STRENGTH to me. Thank you for that!!!

Shelley Gee said...

Oh, I forgot, have you ever read that book "The Price We Paid" It is the most inspiring book I have ever read about the Willie and Martin Handcart companies. It is mostly filled with actual journal entries of the saints while they were crossing the plains, and then a little history to tie everything together. I can't think of the author, but I got it at Deseret Book and like I said it is the most inspiring book I have ever read!!! I think you would like it too.

Stacey said...

I am so sorry you are sick and your kids. That does sound miserable. I don't like it when we all are sick. I guess it helps us really appreciate good health and what a blessing it is. I like that quote you gave by Emma Smith from the movie. That is very inspirational and encouraging. She was really quite a woman. I hope you all feel better soon. I am glad I can keep up with you on your blog.

Stacey said...

You are so amazing. I just checked out your reverent books. What a great idea. They are so cute. So if I wanted to print them then I just need to down load them and send them to Costco to print and then bind them or put them in a book. Is that right? What a great idea. I am so very impressed with you.

Steph and Eric said...

Heath, I'm sending some cheer your way (telapathically. . . i have no idea how to spell that). I hope you have a better day today and that you feel better. I just got over a cold and warner is over cutting his four eye teeth. life seems so much more managable.

lots and lots and lots of love to you!

Lexie said...

I maintain the MOM shouldn't get sick! I hope you are feeling better soon. :) Loved your thoughts......

Angie said...

What great lessons we can learn from the Smith's. (you included) :) I hope you get feeling better - it is so unfair for the mom to get sick.

Jan said...

Hope you get better soon. Mom's deserve some down time sometimes. When you get sick, your body is trying to tell you, you need a break. I love reading your blog, because you always try to focus on the positive. I like that. Thank you for sharing your posive thoughts on life.

Alison said...

Are you feeling better? I hope you are because it sure is hard to be a mom and not feel good. I know how you feel, we're battling that at our house too. I've had the most horrible cold I've ever had for the last 2 weeks. It's awful! Brenner has had it and now Lexi is struggling through it, she hasn't been to school this whole week. It's a nasty flu bug! Anyway, I really really love that movie and am so glad you shared those thoughts. Thanks for being so uplifting even in your days that require endurance and strength! Loves!

Cheri said...

No fun! Alana and Tolan were sick this week too, and you just can't get anything done with two sick kids and a sick Momma. I wish I were there to help you out! Love you!

Andrea said...

I hope you get feeling better soon! I'm so sorry you've been sick. It's hard to be sick when you're the mom. I'm glad I FINALLY took the time to look at your blog today. It's always a great pick-me-up!