Monday, February 09, 2009

How can I be...

I'm sickie today. I just want to curl up in my warm bed and read all day ... or all week! I think comfort soup is on the menu for supper tonight.

BUT ... to bring some cheer to the day ...

One of my friends sent me the link to this fun song. It makes me want to buy a Ukelele and learn to play... if only I could sing Hawaiian style... ummm yeah.  But a cool song nevertheless to teach to the tots.

"How can I be"
written by Nela Otuafi

How can I be like my brother Nephi?
My father Lehi of old?
How can I be like Captain Moroni
In the wars that were told?

How can I see forever
Like the promise to the three Nephites?
I wanna be Samuel the Lamanite
I wanna be Benjamin the Wise
I wanna be like Abinidi
Oh tell me how can I be like them?

How can I be like Alma the Younger,
Strong servant of the Lord?
How can I be like Mighty Ammon,
Whose heart was his sword?

How can I be a stripling warrior,
And learn to fight by faith?
I wanna be Samuel the Lamanite
I wanna be Benjamin the Wise
I wanna be like Abinadi
I wanna be like Jesus Christ
Oh tell me how can I be like them?
Oh tell me how can I be like them?

spotlighted on


Stacey said...

What a great find! I really liked that song. I Hope you feel better soon. Nothing is worse than when Momma is sick.

Long Family said...

I love this- and so did my 3 year old son who ran to get his little guitar after he watched it with me! Thanks for sharing!

Steph and Eric said...

i can just picture you jamm'in to a Hawaiian tunes. Love you friend.