The Gift of Miracles:
Moroni 7:35-37 {"Have miracles ceased? It is by faith that miracles are wrought..."}
Dallin H. Oaks (2001 June Ensign,'Miracles'): As Nephi taught, God “manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith” (2 Ne. 26:13)
Review Miracles of Jesus.
~ Why do you think Jesus performed miracles?
~ What is a miracle He performed that you would have liked to see?
~ What are some miracles we have seen among our own friends or family?
~ Have you ever personally prayed for a miracle?
~ Why is faith such an important part of miracles?
I loved hearing the kids answers to these questions.
Abe wanted to see Jesus walk on water. Dad wanted to see the loaves and the fishes miracle.
Abe said, "Yep, I've prayed for a miracle. One day I was building my legos and I wasn't doing very well. I prayed. And then I could build them better. It was a miracle."
Hannah said, "One time I was in a miracle. I was so, so, so sick and felt very, very, very gross. I stayed home from church with Dad, Max, and Truman. Then Brother Condie and dad gave me a priesthood blessing and like 5 minutes later, I was jumping around. It was a miracle."
So sweet.
(sidenote: when I went to the Gather Joy retreat this summer, everyone who participated put together a Gospel Resource packet. Basically it had Scripture references, definitions, Questions, a photo, and a story. I was able to use my friend Katie's who did hers on Miracles! So perfect. What a great resource it was for our fhe tonight!)
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