Sunday, November 08, 2009

Gratitude and abundance

My friends at school.
My books.
Our 3 musketeers movie.
Our food.
Our couch.

My home.
My family.
My teachers.
The temple.
The earth.
"Gratitude is not just a reactionary emotion, it is a causative energy.

"We don't have to wait for something to happen before we
choose to activate our good from within. Living in a state of gratitude is a very powerful prosperity principle. It aligns us with the flow of Spirit's abundance.

"When we are in the current of
gratitude our consciousness is raised to see beyond our perception of lack. The practice of gratitude strengthens our ability to see.

"Make a
conscious choice to spend some time looking through the lens of gratitude. Then notice the abundance that begins to flow your way.

Affirmation: I choose to give myself the gift of gratitude."
From the book Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth.
(I wish I knew who to credit the image too. I can't remember where I got it.)


Jenni Taysom said...

I need technical help. How do you get your header to be so long across the top of your blog. Mine is short and seems out of proportion. Does it have to do with the dimensions I make it in photoshop, or html coding in the blog?

I'm glad that all seems to be going well with four kids. Thank you for sharing your gratitude lists - they help me to remember to be grateful for the little things.

Jenni Taysom said...

Never mind. I think I figured out. I tried a longer dimension in photoshop and it seems to work.