Friday, November 06, 2009

Lovely Blessings

The Cello: Every day this week, I've found a quiet moment (literally - only a moment!) to listen to 'Without You' by Steven Sharp Nelson (#8 on the player up at the top). It somehow calms me and helps me be patient for at least 5 more minutes.

Soup: I adore soup. One night Abe begged me to stop making soup because I really do make it so often. It's definitely my favorite dinner during the cold months. Tonight - it's Minestrone with lots of veggies. Yum!

Febreeze: I have a hard time when it's too chilly to open windows to air out the house (especially the kid's rooms - ick!). Today Febreeze is my friend... Clean Linen and Aloha scents helped freshen things upstairs.

A clean playroom: Hannah and Abe did a super job tidying the playroom. It was a disaster. I love a clean room!

Outings: Got away to run 2 quickie errands. Listened to With or Without You on the radio - uninterrupted by tots. I love hearing songs that bring back memories from long ago. Picked up Hannah from school and headed to Target to stock up on mini candy canes for my year supply (6 boxes of 60 = 1 candy cane a day in hot chocolate for a year). And we loaded up on newborn diapers. Zipped off to the library to pick up Forest Born. I love getting out in the sunshine and having a little away time from home.

Sleep: It's 8:30 and I'm going to bed. Yes - really!

And because I'm always grateful for inspiring quotes. Here's one I read recently on one of my AFG girl's blogs:

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