The thing I loved most about the story was the journey Rinna took to find herself, like herself, and create balance within herself. She had a lot of gifts she didn't understand or know how to handle. But by the end, she recognized the strength in each talent.
One of those talents she learned to manage was creating a stillness and peace inside herself despite all the chaos around her.

I can see in my life where this would help me stay calm. Inner stillness would help keep the Spirit with me so I could rationally handle situations with my family.

"We must find ways to reduce the inner noise in our lives and create times of inner stillness and quiet.
"There are many sources of inner noise. Some are obvious. Sin can create tremendous inner noise. Anger and contention are a major source of inner noise. Other sources of inner noise are not necessarily bad in and of themselves. Physical tiredness, stress, busyness, apathy, and worry can all create inner noises of their own.
"Even outer noise can detract from inner quiet. We often live in envelopes of outer noise. This is not a bad thing, but it may interfere at times with the quiet whisperings the Lord wants to give us."
Gerald N. Lund, “Is It Revelation?,” New Era, Jul 2004, 44
(Image by jkphotography)
Hmmm! I will have to read that book! I'm glad to know of a good book, I've had a little more time to read lately and am always looking for a good one. Our culture is definitely noisy and always rushing. That's how I always feel and it really does take effort to focus on inner stillness. I love that. You're such a good example Heath and an inspiration. I love all your grateful posts, don't you just love November for that! I love those photos of Truman, and his sweet little baby feet. He is adorable and I wish I could come hold him. Love your kids on Halloween, and love Hannah's birthday crown and cake. Such fun times, such a wonderful time of life! Loves!
thanks heather. i need the stillness!
Heather, I loved catching up a little on your family and your cute new babe. He reminds me of my Nathan who was long and skinny. :) All of my other babies were chunky but not Nathan. I appreciate the inspiring thoughts. Thanks for helping out another mother with some much needed inspiration!
I have enjoyed the Shannon Hale books I have read. Need to check this series out. I could use more stillness. I'll have to work on finding that inner quiet. I know how grateful I am for the times I can hear those promptings.
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