And my 7-year-old has had severe troubles sleeping ever since the fire alarm incident. She's almost up more than my newborn. So ... overall, it was not a good night.
I've gotta survive the day and try and find cheer. So - what shall I do?

Grateful for a good husband who understands when I'm needing extra loves.
Grateful for life.
Grateful for the scriptures which inspire me to be more compassionate with my kids (still working on this one - always trying...). Love - yes, we all need LOVE!

Grateful for warm drinks to calm and warm me up.

Grateful for comfy sweats.
Grateful for water and hydration. It's hard to keep up on for me, but so worth it when I drink water all day.
Grateful for semi-successful FHE's.
Grateful I have CHOICES ... I can choose to be happy, kind, patient - right? Right!.
This reminds me of a poem I had in my room as a teenager.
Outside my window a new day I see,Grateful for the tiny moments of peace and calm in my day.
and only I can determine what kind of day it will be.
It can be busy and sunny, laughing and gay,
or boring and cold, unhappy and gray.
My own state of mind is the determining key,
for I’m only the person I’ll let myself be.
I can be thoughtful and do all I can to help,
or be selfish and think just of myself.
I can enjoy what I do and make it seem fun,
or gripe and complain and make it hard on someone.
I can be patient with those who may not understand
or belittle and hurt them as much as I can.
But I have faith in myself, and believe what I say,
and I personally intend to make the best of each day.
author unknown

imgs by vol25 and dudadaze
1 comment:
You can do it, you can do it, you can do it. I repeat this to myself every day and pray every morning that I can be a nice and sweet mommy who is patient and kind. Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done. Just think of all of the rough edges that are getting bumped off so that we can be a smooth stone. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it!
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