Sunday, November 01, 2009

Almost 3 weeks old

This image really doesn't represent Truman well. Most of his life he is quite pleasant. He rarely cries. I had just given him a wash and thought he looked so cute.I was trying to photograph his cute pleasant expression and skinniness. But instead he decided he was way too hungry and tired to enjoy sitting on the couch without being snuggled.

Truman had his 2 week Dr's appointment this week. The stats for the record:
height: 21 1/4 in (75%)
weight: 6 lbs 15 oz (10%)
head circ: 35.6 cm (25%)

We are enjoying Truman in our family. He eats about every 4 hours. He sleeps most of the time. He's only had a few gassy evenings. Overall, he's a pleasant little tyke.

I don't know that he loved this bear though. You'd think he was dozing off, but really he was midway through a wail. Mwahhhhh! Poor little baby!


Amy D. said...

He looks so worried! What a darling little guy!

Marne said...

Soooo cute Heather! I love newborn chicken legs! All my kids had them too.

Stacey said...

He is such a cutie. I can't believe how skinny he is. He is adorable.