I love thinking about the perspective of a newborn - so sweet and innocent and straight from the premortal world. Their new life here on earth must seem such a wonder to them... hopefully wonderful and not too crazy (with 3 other siblings around going bonkers!).
I would love if newborns could talk and tell me all they are thinking... and all they remember about their premortal life. Just that thought makes me want to make our home a little bit more like heaven.
Thinking about the plan of salvation and new little spirits helps me have a fresh perspective. Hopefully I can put that perspective into action every moment of my day to make life more pleasant here in my home.
I loved the idea behind Life in Focus by Donna.
She writes:
"Today begins the first official In Focus Friday! This idea offers us the opportunity to take a deep breath, look around, reflect, and feel gratitude. Very often as our lives get busy and schedules become demanding, the simple joy and beauty of everyday life can become blurry.Isn't that what we all want?? - to focus our energy (what little I have!), our thoughts, our actions on the special moments and details in our life. I love this reminder to keep things in perspective.
"Life In Focus is about learning to notice and see what's right in front of us. It's about appreciating the little details and moments that make up our existence, but that can go unnoticed if we don't stop to really see them.
"Life In Focus is a lifestyle that celebrates the day with awareness, gratitude, and joy.
"In doing so, we begin to develop the power to see the miraculous in the common. We can then look for and find beauty and happiness in our everyday lives. When there is struggle and stress, Life In Focus can help us put it in perspective. When there is peace and calm, Life In Focus can help us celebrate."
I also love this quote about light that definitely reminds me of newborns... who are so filled with light and goodness:
"The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be." Shakti Gawain
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