1. Hannah is a great helper. She tries to think of ways to help in the kitchen. She loves to help make dinner and is willing to do dishes. Hannah asked to change Max's diaper. She was so pleased that she learned to do it. You go Girl!
2. Hannah has a creative imagination and comes up with all sorts of fun things for her and Abe to play.
3. Hannah loves to dance and listen to music. She even likes lovely classical tunes. She would love to learn to play the piano if I could ever get around to teaching her.
4. She loves to read. She'll wake up early to finish a book she loves.
5. Hannah is quick to obey. She can do things efficiently when she wants to. She also works hard at choosing the right. She is a sensitive gal and enjoys learning about spiritual things.
6. Hannah is self-motivated. Sometimes she writes lists of things she wants to accomplish the next day. One night she put together family home evening and I later found a paper that had an organized list of the agenda.
7. Hannah is a cheerful and loving sister. She is mostly very patient with all her brothers. She does love girly things like getting fingernails painted and girly movies.
Happy 7th Birthday Miss Hannah Mae!
What a sweet princess.
Happy Birthday! We can't take food in for birthday treats anymore at our school...too many food allergies. So we now take in things like pencils, erasers, playdough, etc.
I love the cake you made. What a fun idea. Hannah seems like an amazing girl. But you wouldn't expect anything different coming from her genes.
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