One hour burping. With 6-7 feedings a day and 10 minutes burping each time, it sure adds up. I do love snuggling with babe though!
One hour changing diapers. Truman doesn't have enough chubs to contain everything in his diaper so he has lots of leaks... which means for every diaper change, also comes a change of clothing... which also makes for more laundry.
I guess that still leaves 16 hours in the day.
I feel like it takes up most of the day and night to care for a newborn but I must be doing something else with my time... like keeping Max out of mischief, trying to rest, drinking loads of water, talking to Hannah about all her birthday plans, encouraging the tots to clean up, keeping Abe on task, dishes, occasional laundry, simple meals, etc.
Overall - this babe Truman is a good one. He has only been waking 2 times a night so I get 3 or 4 hours sleep at a time. It's not enough, but it's better than nothin'. He hardly ever cries or spits up. He seems to enjoy his sponge baths.
And how does Truman spend his days... well, he sleeps about 18 hours a day.
We sure love Truman. I'm grateful for such a pleasant and sweet baby. May he always stay this way!!
Congratulations, Heather! It's amazing how much time those tiny little people take up...even when they sleep so much. Good job on the nursing! The first few months are the hardest (for me)! I still haven't figured out how to stay on top of the laundry and meal prep and Kate is already 6 months old! You're amazing with 4. Keep up the good work and sleep when you can. :)
Good job on the nursing. I am impressed! I pump sometimes for the first 6 weeks and do milk bottles when needed because sometimes the little ones fall asleep during feedings! Hang in there!
That's great that you are having a better time nursing this one. You have a special closeness with breastfeeding and that's actually the thing I miss the most about not having a little one. I don't miss those tiring first few months though - hang in there! I know how exhausting it can be.
I'm not sure if figuring out where I spend my time would be helpful or hurtful...Would I realize I need to spend more time with my kids? Or more time cleaning? I'm pretty sure it would say I spend more time reading and on the computer than necessary. You are an amazing mom. You now have two babies I haven't met! Someday we will get together huh?
Ha! That's where the time goes!
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