Wednesday, February 04, 2009

not my best day ever

"Hello. My name is Heather. I'm 33. I'm blonde.  I'm a mom. I wear t-shirts and boy jeans.

I'm also afraid that today I was crowned the most horrible, grouchy, grumbly, cranky, hollering mother/wifey/homemaker of all time. 

Can I please blame hormones for at least half of it? Oh - I can't. Okay.

Well, then... I guess we will just have to try harder tomorrow. Luckily tots are forgiving. Hopefully the hubby will be too. And perhaps someday when this house ever looks like all the hard work I put into it, it will be glad for me too.

Good-Bye, until next time, when optimistically my family will see the more patient, kind, gentle side of Heather."


angela said...

It's sure hard to imagine you hollering...You are such a great person. Truly. Your family is very lucky to have you. I heard myself ranting and raving while getting the kids into the van was almost funny, because my mouth wouldn't stop and my mind heard how silly and naggy I was being. Like the nagging angry mothers you see in movies sometimes. Yes there will always be a tomorrow to do better, though, and I am so grateful for that. I cling to the good times.

Callie said...

I think we all have days like that! The other day I was screaming at my kids (I really don't do it that often) and they both look terrified of me- it was a huge reality check! I felt terrible!!! What a monster I am at times. Being a mom is really hard sometimes!

Lexie said...

This just made me smile. I am so sorry for a "hard" mom day but isn't it great when we can see that this is normal for all of us moms. Thank goodness for TOMORROW! :)

Anonymous said...

I also can't picture you yelling at anyone or being Oscar the Grouch! Thanks for sharing. We just have to try a little harder to be a little better right?

Sally said...

I recommend Dr. for me!