Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sweetest lil' things you ever did see

We can't end a horrible/bad day on a sour note, now can we?, so I thought I'd put these pretties up top the bloggie. Because I clearly don't have a handle on Family History (evidenced by my baffled look when I try and download gedcom files and link everyone together in PAF), I'm not exactly sure how I'm related to Geneve and Alice. They are relations on the Lawrence Nelson side though.  Auntie's perhaps?

After taking a family history class and spending hours in PAF, I'm convinced that family history is a huge web of photos and names and dates that may take centuries for me to line up and detangle.

Until I read their stories, I'm content to gaze upon their innocent expressions, squishy cute hands, bobbed hair, froofy bows, and tidy pleated skirts.


Alison said...

Oh so sweet! I am lovin their bows! What cute little ladies.

And so sorry about your grouchy day yesterday. Aren't those the worst? We all have them and aren't we glad they pass! Such a good thing children and husbands are forgiving and keep loving us anyway. Hope your day is better today!

Anonymous said...

Geneve Nelson is Grandpa Nelson's oldest sister. And Alice is a first cousin of Grandpa, Aunt Geneve and Aunt Bee. FYI... Cute picture, huh.