Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How to fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds

Yesterday morning we came across this video that teaches how to quickly fold a t-shirt. I'm sure all GAP employees are highly skilled in this area.

As for me, it took me probably 5 tries to figure it out. I'm quick like that! Not! I kept crossing my arms the wrong way.

But Hannah Mae thought it was a very funny video. She figured out her own way to fold a t-shirt in 2 seconds.

Abe has his own way of folding laundry. But he can fold ~ fold like the wind, Abe!

And this is as well as Max could do considering his age. This is exactly why folding laundry with Max in the room doesn't really work.


Amy D. said...

Well, that was a hoot. There is no way that the 2-second fold would save me would take me a month to learn and I would keep getting mixed up, I'm sure. If I ever work retail, maybe I'll try to learn. I loved your kids' different ways of folding--and Max being Max!

Alison said...

So fun! :) I love that Max's way of folding the laundry. That's how it is at our house!

Janey said...

hahaha i love it thats cute. i wanna go home and practice!

angela said...

You are awesome--that was very funny.