Sunday, February 01, 2009

My Heritage Month

I've been thinking about my roots lately. I love to look at heritage photos and match them with the stories of my ancestors.  I love to think about what life was like 'way back when.'   And as President Monson says, "Learn from the Past."

So goal #1 this month (in regards to Heritage) is to focus on the lessons learned and treasured moments of those who have gone before us.

I got a free Shutterfly book thanks to a promotion from Creating Keepsakes and I thought I'd dedicate it to Stories of our Heritage in our 'Have I Ever Told You' series. (info: Here and Here).

The main inspiration for the book stems from this quote:

“By keeping our past alive,
[we are connected] to the people, places,
and events that make up our spiritual heritage and,
in so doing, motivates us to greater service, faith, and kindness.”

This first page I created is a retelling or short clips that my Grandpa Lawrence Nels Nelson shared in his personal history.

I'm probably not the most qualified to put together a random sampler of short stories about grandparents, great-grandparents, and beyond, but I figured it will be fun, educational, and inspiring for me, at least.  Now I'll have to try and gather a few photos from histories and a few stories that would interest little ones.

Goal #2 for my Heritage Month is to 'live simply' as most generations have before us. Think of how much stuff we have compared to any other period of time. I think purging our junk and then only buying what we need and not the little fluffy things will help the pocketbook and also be a good reminder that having less sometimes helps us enjoy more.


Anonymous said...

Heather - I love this idea!! We are so lucky to have many pictures and stories to write about. Thank you for sharing your creativity!

shauna said...

What a fabulous idea! I absolutely love it. Let me know when it's finished, I would love to come down and read it and be inspired. So cool.

Marne said...

Great idea Heather! I love it.

katie and co. said...

First of all, you're a posting maniac! Holy cow! It was so fun to catch up on all your fun stuff and great ideas and terrific sense of attitude. I know I can always come here and be uplifted. Just a few the sillouettes and new look/ only hearts girls do the the pictures. LOVE IT ALL!

katie and co. said...

Oh...and here's your february reminder about you know what... :)

Jenni Taysom said...

You are so proactive. I've had that same thought to gather ancestor stories, but that is as far as I've got. I need to follow your lead and actually do something about it. Thanks for the motivation.

Alison said...

So true about living simply so we can enjoy more! Whatever you create is always amazing!

And love the pictures of your two boys together in the post below. Abe's too small sweatshirt is too funny. But he's a cute little chipmunk! :)

April said...

I am infactuated with the past...I am amazed at how little people needed back then- I always say things like, "what did the people do about this back then?" or "how did they do this back then" my biggest thing lately is how in the heck did girls survive thier "time" of the month or child birth-

I believe that the greatest lessons we can learn on earth come from lessons already learned in the past. It seems like simple principles are ever lasting- and they never age.

good idea. how do you find time to do stuff like this?

Sally said...

I LOVE this idea and you series!!! Did you create these on your own (the layout) or is it available on creating keepsakes?