Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I know that I've told you this...

A few months ago I bought several 8x8 books on Ebay because they were a great deal. But I have to use them by June 30 and I guess I wasn't anticipating how ubber busy I would be with our move and all. So I've been wildly arranging pages and such to get all my books done this week.

I know I've mentioned this book several times, but today I'm super excited about it because it's finally going to be printed.

I wanted it really simple so I did white pages, rounded corners on the photos, and all the colored 'have i ever told you' tabs on the outside of each page.
I try to have even number of pages about each person and then a few about family things. I love reading Jimmy's memories about his childhood or mission and the kids love hearing all the stories. I'm going to try and make another one before the 30th. Ummm, we'll see if I can get to that.

So anyhoo... it's something fun to bring joy to my day.

Now Hannah is asking if we can do something fun today. Hmmmmm... what to do about that? Swimming maybe. It's hard without grass to put the pool on - eh?


Lexie said...

I absolutely love this. When are you going to teach a class to someone computer handicapped like me so I could do this??? I love the simple, beautiful, classic style of this and what a wonderful thing to bring families closer. I would rather give my kids and husband something like this for Christmas than anything! This is something priceless. As always, great job Heather! :)

Sally said...

Once again, you AMAZE me with your talent and creativity. But I need more details on this one. Did you create the pages on your own and then Shutterfly prints them or do you put it all together on their website...meaning do they have that darling format? Love the idea. I am going to email you something else similar and have you give me some advice!

Carol said...

I LOVE this idea, Heather!! You are so good at this kind of thing - thinking of ideas that are meaningful and putting them together in such a cute way. These are gifts that your family will treasure! Nice job!

Amy D. said...

Wow, those are AMAZING pages/books, Heath. Awesome gift to your children and for each other.

Julie said...

Wow! I didn't even know you could do stuff like that. Those pages are so neat. It makes me think I want to try... maybe.

Marne said...

Great job Heather! You are so talented. I love it.

Marne said...

I had forgotten this...oh boy I am excited...I have a free shutterfly book code I have to use by the end of Feb so I REALLY want to do this! Thanks Heather!