Friday, January 30, 2009

boyZ will be boYs

This is what happens

when a 4-year-old boy
with a 6-year-old body size
puts on a 3T sweatshirt
that nearly fits his baby brother.
(he was dressed up like a chipmunk to sing along with Alvin, Simon, Theodore)

This is how I feel about Abe's clothes lately. The boy must have hit a growth spurt because I think he's gained 2 inches in the past few months and everything seems short on him. He's 45 inches tall right now which is almost as tall as Hannah.  So many people think they are twins.

For breakfast Abe ate 2 small bowls of cereal and then 5 normal-sized pancakes. Perhaps it's because Jimmy and I aren't big eaters and don't even eat that much for breakfast, but that seems like a large amount for a 4-year-old. My boys might just eat me out of house and home.

But I suppose I'll keep both of them because they sure have MOMENTS when they are eXtremely adorable. (keyword: moments).

Abe keeps telling me about fun times when he and Max are playing Tag. Mostly I think it means they both run around and laugh, laugh, laugh.  Max loves to play with Hannah and Abe and if he is left out he bangs on the door until someone lets him in. Poor little thing.

I'm trying to rejoice in the adventures of raising sons, but after some days, I'm just relieved to see those cute squishy cheeks laying on their pillows in silence...silence...silence.  Don't get me wrong - I love these boys to pieces, some days I'm just not geared up for all the stubbornness and energy.  Heavenly Father sure sent some lively spirits to earth to be strong and valiant in this latter-day didn't he!

Go forth my sons with all the goodness in your heart and do great things in simple and kind and SAFE ways!

In the meantime I'll survive on and rejoice in the {Mercies of Motherhood}. I loved this article, by the way.


Callie said...

Hi there- I really do go couponing with the kids. The key is to know exactly what you need before you go in there. You know how it is... there is no time for dily daly when you have kids in any store. So, have your list with the original price, the sale price and how may to get. Have your coupons in your pocket or wallet and just RUN!!! I go as fast as I can and try to not get more than about 10 items at a time. That way, we can usually survive.

Stacey said...

I love those pictures. How fun!! My kids are always on the small small side of things. As I wrote in the blog Talmage then is the punching bag for the Karate class. Poor Brynn I can't find pants to keep her plumber crack from showing. But my friends tell me not to worry because she will grow a rear soon enough unfortunately. I think you have simply adorable kids and stories. I love your blog.

Amy D. said...

The boys are darling! Cute striped shirts...and their hair is always so cool.