Saturday, January 24, 2009

Utilize your Strengths

I just read an article from LDS Living entitled, "Get Happy: 10 Strategies for a more joyful life." by Jamie Lawson

It was interesting to compare this list of 10 ideas from the one I posted earlier.

This article cited these ways to 'get you started on the road to a more joyful life.'

1. Choose to be Happy
2. Spend Time with Friends and Family
3. Volunteer
4. Count your blessings
5. Buy Some Happiness
(meaning 'giving away money will bring you happiness... people who give are richer, happier, and healthier.')
6. Fake it till you make it.
"Act the way you want to feel." Laugh.
7. Settle for Good Enough
('Choice overwhelms us. The costs of processing all the information outweigh the gains from having more options.' Such efforts can drain countless hours from your life that you could be investing in more important things, like strengthening relationships with family and friends.)
8. Try New things
9. Utilize your Strengths
(When you use your strengths at work, in your personal life, and in the service of others, you can increase your happiness dramatically.)
10. Go to Bed Angry
(expressing emotion magnifies the feeling so sometimes it's better not to slam doors and throw pillows, etc).

So - that makes for an interesting and diverse list.

The one that interested me the most today was 9. Utilize your Strengths

It reads in part:

"Visit {} to take a survey and learn which of the following 24 signature strengths you possess (although you can be capable of any of them with enough effort):

1) appreciation of beauty and excellence;
2) bravery and valor;
3) capacity to love and be loved;
4) caution, prudence, and discretion;
5) citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty;
6) creativity, ingenuity, and originality;
7) curiosity and interest in the world;
8) fairness, equity, and justice;
9) forgiveness and mercy;
10) gratitude;
11) honesty, authenticity, and genuineness;
12) hope, optimism, and future-mindedness;
13) humor and playfulness;
14) industry, diligence, and perseverance;
15) judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness;
16) kindness and generosity;
17) leadership;
18) love of learning;
19) modesty and humility;
20) perspective (wisdom);
21) self-control and self-regulation;
22) social intelligence;
23) spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith; and
24) zest, enthusiasm, and energy."

The reason I thought this so important is because I think so often we don't give ourselves enough credit. We think we don't have visible talents. This list of 24 strengths are things we can build on and recognize - and will bring us joy and bless the lives of others.

Like President Uchtdorf said, "You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us. The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter."

p.s. I took the survey and i was slightly bugged that they didn't have Amazing & Brilliant Mother, or Homemaker on the list of occupations. I ended up putting "business: human resources, training, labor management". I also thought 'Emergency management' was quite applicable to mothering.

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