Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Australia Day!

In order to add some spark to January, I like to celebrate Australia Day. Kinda Random but it all started when I was at BYU rooming with Mary and we needed some cheer.

My Grandma and Grandpa Beck served a mission in Sydney so I've always thought Australia was pretty neat. Unfortunately I've never mastered the accent though my family knows I try from time to time.  Don't worry - you're not missing much except maybe a good chuckle from my inability.

So here's the ever-so-exciting celebration with photos from Australia.

Anyone up for a quick jaunt to an Australia beach today?!?! The high in Brisbane is 84 ... vs the 28 degree high here in Lehi... vs 15 degrees in Sugar City ... vs 2 degrees at the North Pole in Alaska. I'd go for flipflops and a t-shirt today... oh and the warmth and sunshine.


Stacey said...

What a fun post! I would love to go to Australia. Your silhouettes are so cute of your kids. What a great idea. You are so clever. I so enjoyed seeing you the other day, and your little girl is adorable. I am glad to be in contact with you again.

Mary said...

So, speaking of rooming together in Provo, I was going through my files the other day and I found a 'cheer up Mary' note from you and Ben that was so funny. It cheered me up all over again. Wasn't he a funny boy? Good times there in Provo...