Saturday, January 24, 2009

goin', goin', goin'

I'm grateful for:
washing machine
running water
sanitizing air freshner
for all these things make
cleaning up barfo on
the carpet,
a bazillion blankets,
and clothes (mama's and tots)
a whole lot easier
for such is life
when 3 kids have the flu.

Luckily this is the first time my kids have really been sick with the flu. I've counted myself very lucky to have gone 6 years without having to deal with it this intensely.  I do have to say I'd take a cold for a week over the flu for a day.  Ick!

It's no bueno, but at least we have conveniences that make the hours of cleaning and sterilizing much easier.

Yes, I'm still up doing laundry (waiting for the ever important blankie to dry) and being watchful over sickie Abe.  Tomorrow I may just need a super-duper energy pill to keep goin', goin', goin'.


Alison said...

So sorry you've had sick kiddos! I would definitely trade for a long cold rather than stomach flu too! I hope you all recover and get back to normal. Your fog is beautiful, and I love the silhouettes of your kids! What a fun and cute, cute project! You are full of fun ideas! I'll be sending some energy vibes to you through the air, I need to find some as well! :) Carry on! Loves!

Amy D. said...

Oh, man. Hope it's short-lived! I feel for you, Heath!

Katie said...

I'm so sorry they're all sick. No fun! I hope they get better QUICK!