Tuesday, January 20, 2009

things are pretty exciting 'round here

As usual, we are having a rip-roaring exciting day at our house. So exciting that this is how I found Abe during his quiet time.

He really was sleeping with his legs crossed like that. Once I woke him, he had a thousand carpet marks on his face. He sure was toasty and comfy I guess.

Mostly I think it's funny that he was sleeping to Alvin and the Chipmunks 'Had a Bad Day' song.  Oh, the joys of childhood.


April said...

it is nice to see that other homes are just as exciting as mine...

happy birthday by the way-

I really enjoy your blog Heather-

angela said...

That's awesome--Our quiet time is usually more eventful (and messy) than I want it to be. But oh how I still love quiet time...

Katie said...

Hey, I can't find your email address. Will you email it to me? Thanks!