Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the every day schtuff

I didn't jump on board with {Project 365} to take a photo-a-day in 2009. But I do like the idea of focusing on normal everyday life stuff. Here's what Becky, the idea lady, said about it:
"There has always been so much focus on events, trips, and “favorite” pictures. But what about all the in between stuff? The everyday stuff that really is our LIFE? The pictures we take around the house “just because”? What happens to all of that? THIS IS IT. This is how we show a truer representation of our life … and, of course, the “big” stuff too!" {Becky Higgins}
We've stayed home all day long this week because poor little Maxie is sick. So I figured we'd see what our normal life looks like through the camera lens.

First - Hannah sporting some awesome outfits this week. She's been on a kick to put a headband on with a bow clipped to it. I love that she loves her own style. The kids are always fiddling with Max or trying to help him.

2 - I told the kids to entertain Max so I could shower. Hannah helped him snuggle into a beanbag to watch baby einstein. I think he probably sat there as long as it took to take this picture because he doesn't care a twit about tv. You go Max!

3 - Hannah slipped on the ice and got a tiny cut on her hand. Mostly I think she was tired so I told her to snuggle up and rest on the couch. I plopped Max down by her and he loved playtime on the couch.

4 - Max has an icky cold. His eyes are puffy sick looking. His nose is red from being wiped a bazillion times a day. I'm not sure if his nose could produce any more boogs. He blew this cool boogie bubble that didn't pop for so long so I figured why not capture that. Poor, poor baby. He whines all day from not feeling well but still wants to walk around and do stuff.  He is a little more snuggly since he's moaning all day long.  I don't think Max has been sick since he had RSV last winter.  He just doesn't know what to do with himself.

5 - A common scene for Abe. He loves noodles. He takes so long to eat because he gets distracted - today it was by miniature Cars. I was singing all my sentences in opera at lunchtime and he didn't quite like that and he really didn't want his picture taken - hence the no-eyes or smile.

6 - Max escapes so quickly from getting his diaper or clothes changed. The kids were racing those shaker cars and he was just too anxious to see what the excitement was all about.

Random funnies from this week:

When I told Abe he needed to apologize to me for being disrespectful, he translated that into, "Sorry mom that I was being so respectable."  It makes it hard to be a serious mother when kids get confused and say such funny stuff.

Abe saying, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking mom?" (really - what would the chance of that be. I don't think about planet heroes or cars all day).

Hannah hollering to Abe, "Stop attackeling Max!"

Abe saying, "Oh goodness sNakes" about something Max did.


Mary said...

Thanks for sending me that tonight!! Abe's comments are a riot. So is Max's naked bum. What a fun post!

Mary said...

I somehow missed the "attackeling" comment by Hannah. Laugh. Snort. Laugh. Cute kids!