Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Super Hero Day

For a while now I've loved these BRIGHT capes made by {Plum Pear Apple} Designs
First of all, she has a clever and cute name for her business. Second, I love the bright colors of the capes. One of these days I'm going to figure out how to make one.
Right now, Little Window Shoppe has a great {give-a-way} for 2 of these cute custom Super Hero capes.

Ali Edwards also had a give-a-way today for {SuperHero} Designs. Andrea sells these cute pieces of jewelry. With names like 'Joy', 'Tropical', 'Tangerine Earth', and 'Kiwi', you can't go wrong man!

With Ali's contest, she had everyone list their own superpower:
"To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly. I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way."
It seriously took me 15 minutes to think through that one... so I finally said my superpower was THINKING DEEPLY.  I kept imagining what my super-mom capacities could include, but reality is, I'm still working on many of those.  But effort and progession have to count for something...

If I could special order a superhero power, today I would pick 'zest, motivation, and energy' to do my chores.

So today to celebrate Super Heroes - I'm going to attempt to be a Super Hero Madre in some small simple way ... it may be having extra patience with my 4-year-old ... or my tornado toddler ... we'll see ... I might actually make a successful meal or something far-fetched like that.  Miracles do happen!

"Come what may and Love it." 
Joseph B. Wirthlin


Marne said...

We have the superhero cape Chad's mom made for him when he was little. Logan uses it all the time. What I love about it is that it's side is Batman, the other side is Superman. I will take pics and email them to you. Maybe I could trace a pattern off of it for you. It looks super easy.

Stacey said...

You have such fun fun posts. I love the super hero capes. I made one for Talmage that turns from batman to superman. But I really like the make your own superpower idea.

Heather H said...

I know forever ago you asked me about the cape they mil was going to make for our little ones for Christmas but as it turns out she will be making them for Easter. I will bring one over once they are made so you can see how she did it.