Wednesday, January 28, 2009

today's randoms

We have a tradition in the Nelson Fam which started I suppose with Grandma Quaker Duck (that would be Ruth) who always had Oreos in her cookie jar... always.  So, yah, I'm a fan of Oreos.  "Viva la Oreos!"

Soooo... last week I bought a bag of Oreos. Afterall, they were football variety and I thought Abe would think it's cool. Only - I really liked them... a lot!

Then I realized I really, really, really needed to jump back on the exercise bandwagon. I knew Oreos and exercising wouldn't mix too well. I think it's gotta be all or nothing with me and Oreos.

So the last two days I've just swiftly walked (not jumped - or skipped) on the treadmill. I've realized if I full-blown jog like I want, I get sickie, so I'm merging myself into it again. sigh... why is it so hard to just consistently do it - always!  But it's always motivating when I realize that I could walk for 30 minutes and only burn off 1 or 2 oreos.  sigh...  hence - no Oreos for now.

To solve the dilemma, I've started giving the Oreos to the kids so they won't be a temptation for me.

Abe was okay with that. Hannah tries to tell Abe he can't take the Oreo apart, but he does his own thing... eats the plain cookie first, then eats the frosting, then the other half of the cookie. He looked so handsome yesterday and I wanted a picture so I told him he could have an Oreo if he posed nicely. This was our best shot.

Max grins with pure delight when he sees the Oreo cookie, mashes it up a bit, eats maybe half of it and throws the rest on the floor. Could Max's eyelashes be much longer? How sweet is he!

Other randoms:

~didn't turn my computer on all morning. may seem dumb to note, but i usually check email and say hi to janers on googletalk. i got a bit of good work done - well at least chasing maxwell down kinda work.

~spent 2 hours making pumpkin/chocolate chip muffins, cream cheese frosting, homemade macaroni and cheese, and peas.   i cook so slow!!!  i still can't figure out how to get everything done at the same time and i think my brain can't handle multi-tasking and preparing more than one thing at a time.  i'm thinking it's just not natural for me - I do keep trying though.  why, oh why did the cooking/baking gene skip me?

~hannah's first loose tooth is getting looser. she's pretty funny about it and worries it will fall out while she is talking or showering or sleeping. it's all very exciting!

~abe's funnies for the day:
1. when we called jimmy at work and he didn't answer, abe said, "maybe he just needs some time to himself."

2. i told the kids I was making them mini muffins. hannah cheered. abe complained, "I wanted Mickey Mouse ones." (it took me a while to figure that one out - Minnie vs Mini.)

1 comment:

Alison said...

Abe is a hoot! He makes me laugh. I love the comments on Jimmy needing some time to himself and that he wanted Mickey muffins. I love it!

And I hear you on the Oreos thing! What sweet kids you have!